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Osprey - YEAR 5

Welcome to Osprey Class


Mrs Dunn - 
Class Teacher 
Mon - Tues
Miss Wells -
Class Teacher
Wed - Fri
Miss Nother - 
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Smith -
Teaching Assistant









Year 5 Lulworth Trip

Year 5 have just got back from their trip to Lulworth Cove and Durdle Door. We are so lucky to have the amazing Jurassic Coast on our doorstep and it’s a fabulous place to visit at the end of our Geography topic ‘Changing Coasts’. The children were able to see all the that we have been learning about in the classroom for real.

Our day began meeting the Lulworth Rangers, they were so knowledgeable and patient with all our questions. We walked along the coastline, and we saw all the coastal features we have been learning about; the headland, caves, bays, spits, stacks and stumps! The rangers told us how the coastline has changed over millions of years, starting right back in the ice age when the thawing ice ran down through the valley to what we see today. We found out about the different types of rocks and were amazed at the Lulworth Crumple seeing all the different layers of rocks scrunched up! After lunch on the ‘Green’ we walked over to Durdle Door- the world famous arch (that’s resembles a dragon drinking from the sea.   

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the day, the sun was shining, we were having fun with our friends and learning at the same time. What a great way to finish this half term!

Thank you to the parents who kindly offered to join us for the day.

World Book Day!

We had a great day celebrating all things reading on World Book Day. The children really got into the spirit of things, with some amazing costumes. We looked at the poem, The Register, by Michael Rosen, and drew what we thought was happening, annotating the drawings with our ideas. We then practised reading it aloud. In the afternoon, we shared some stories with Year 1 children. It was really lovely to see the children sharing a love of reading together. 

Life Education Van

On Wednesday, Osprey class participated in a 'Friends' workshop delivered by the SCARF Educators. The children got to experience the new pop-up classroom with all its gadgets and lights. The age appropriate workshop talked about friendships (good and bad), coping with pressure from friends and teaching the children strategies to help keep themselves safe in risky situations. 

The children also enjoyed the chance to meet Harold the Giraffe

Year 5 Design Technology

This half term Year 5 have been busy working on their DT projects. The project is to make a tote bag out of a recycled t-shirt. The children have been looking at recycling and reusing items of clothing and how the fashion industry is trying to be sustainable. They researched different types and designs of tote bags, that they might like to incorporate in their designs. The children created a design brief for their bags, who they are making them for and what they will be used for. They have designed their bags and practiced their sewing skills.

The last day of term was our Year 5 making day and a culmination of all their hard work. The children thoroughly enjoyed making their tote bags, cutting, sewing, and adding extra embellishments to make the bags more personal. They were all very proud of their achievements, especially when we tested them to make sure they didn’t have any holes!

The Year 5 teachers would like to thank all the parents, aunts, grandparents who came to help the children. Their patience in tying knots, threading needles and untangling threads was hugely appreciated by the children and the teachers.

Here are a few examples of our amazing tote bags!


 Welcome Year 5 2023

Thank you to those parents who managed to come to the 'Meet the Teacher' meeting this morning. It was lovely to meet you all. If you were unable to make it the PowerPoint that was shared is attached to this page. 

The children were very excited to see you and invite you into their new classroom. They enjoyed designing their Greek vases and were proud of the end results. 



Dogs Trust Visit

On Thursday, Osprey class became 'Dog Detectives!' for an exciting and very interesting workshop. Vicki from the 'Dogs Trust' was in school to delivery workshops on 'Behaving Safely Around Dogs'. During the workshops, Vicki told us all about the work of the Dogs Trust, how they look after dogs, re-home them into suitable families and help owners care for their dogs. She also taught us how to behave safely around dogs to ensure that we stay safe as well. We learnt loads! We learnt that dogs don't like hugs because hugs are for humans. Dogs prefer to snuggle up to you instead. We learnt that if a dog is running up to us, we should throw away any food or toys we are holding, cross our arms over our chest and look away (our superhero shield). We should not run as the dog thinks you are playing and will chase you. 

This was a great workshop and we really enjoyed it. 


We had a great morning making the filled pitta breads the children had designed. The air was rich with the smell of olives, halloumi, tzatziki, houmous, feta and more! The children carefully cut, grated, chopped and assembled their ingredients and then carefully wrapped their finished pittas ready for tasting after lunch. 

Thank you so much to our parent helpers - we couldn't have done it without you.



Remote Learning - Day 1

Maths: Maths lesson on multiple and factors 

English: Lesson on subordinate clauses and complex sentences

Reading: Have a go at the reading comprehension at the bottom of the page. Remember to read the text very carefully before writing your answers to the VIPER questions. 

Science: Lesson on the solar system

Remote Learning Day 2

Reading: Have a go at the reading comprehension called A Bottled Mystery at the bottom of the page. Remember to read the text carefully before you answer the questions. 

English: Grammar focus! Use the Greek Gods Grammar Pack at the bottom of the page and show us your knowledge of verbs, nouns, sentence types, tenses and more. 

Maths: Complete the White Rose sheet below (Y5 Autumn block 2), using your mental strategies. This video link may help.White Rose Video

History: We would like you to draw on your knowledge and understanding of Greek Gods and Goddesses, using this video from Oak Academy to help you.  Oak Academy Video

Now, choose a Greek God and create a poster about them, describing their family, where they lived and what their role was.