First Aid
We are very lucky in school to have many qualified First Aiders, at all different levels and specialisms. All of our First Aiders and many more members of our Team are trained on the following also;
- Administration of Intramuscular Adrenaline (Epi-Pen)
- Defibrillator Training
- Diabetes Training & Administering of Insulin
There will always be a named member of school staff that is first aid trained on duty at break and lunchtime for children to call upon if they have any concerns.
Occasionally, pupils have minor accidents at school. First Aid is usually administered by a member of staff, who is a qualified first-aider. However, any member of staff can administer minor first aid and there is always a trained first-aider available for support in any situation. Sticking plasters are occasionally used on minor wounds, so please ensure you let us know if your child is allergic to plasters.
For more serious accidents, a first-aider is always available and action is taken as necessary with parents contacted as soon as possible.
If a child is treated for any injury, it will be recorded in the accident book and a first aid slip will be sent home. The main first aid station is situated opposite the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher’s office, at the front of the school and most children are taken there to be treated.
The following members of staff are first aid trained: