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Puffin - YEAR 4





Welcome to Puffin Class

Meet The Team:-

Mrs Markham
Class Teacher (Mon & Tues)
Miss Wells
Class Teacher
(Wed - Fri)
Mrs Farwell
Teaching Assistant & ELSA
Mrs Smith
Teaching Assistant







Welcome to the new school year!



We celebrated World Book Day a week late due to our Leeson House trip. The children fully embraced dressing up as book characters. They had fun creating dioramas celebrating a loved book - can you name any of the books in the pictures below? 




We had an amazing time at Leeson House! The weather was kind to us, thankfully, and we had an action-packed few days. Every single child faced their own challenge magnificently, whether it was walking further than they had before, trying new foods, staying away from home or walking through a field in the pitch black of night. We could not be more proud! Well done Year 4!










Year 4 had a great end to the term, making Roman shields (thank you to Mr Ratcliffe for sourcing the cardboard!) and practising marching in formation. Our "Roman soldiers" were really tested when the "Celts" started bombarding them with missiles (screwed-up paper) but they found that being in the Testudo formation helped them to feel safe and protected. It really helped them to understand how the Roman army was so effective!

Sharing Topic Work

It was lovely to see so many parents and families coming to see the children's topic work this week. The children were so excited and proud to share what they had been working on! Thank you to those adults who were able to make it. 



Remote Learning - Day 1

English -  This week we have been using The short film 'For the birds' to explore speech and to discuss prejudices and unkindness.  Please watch the short film and allow your child to explain what is happening.

Talk to your child about being kind, how it feels to have someone be unkind to you. 

Please can you then write a persuasive paragraph explaining why the little blue birds should be kind to big bird. 

You may find this BBC bite-size link useful to help you complete the task.

Reading - Please complete the Romans reading comprehension attached at the bottom of the class page. 

Maths- We are beginning to focus on our multiplication strategies. Please use this time to embed the 3 times tables. Please follow the Oak Academy link to complete the lesson on this.  A supporting worksheet is attached as a PDF at the bottom of the page.

Multiplication practice -Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (

Science-  This half term, we are learning about changing states. Please follow the Oak Academy link to complete the introductory lesson on this topic, describing the properties of gases, solids and liquids. A worksheet for this lesson is attached as a PDF at the bottom of the class page.

History - Over the next term we will be learning about The Romans. Please follow the Oak academy link to learn how the Roman Empire became so powerful.  You will only need pen and paper to complete this lesson.