Remote Learning - Day 1
Hi Ladybirds and Honeybees!
As you are not able to go to school, we have created some activities below that you can complete at home! We hope you have a fun day and we look forward to seeing you all soon!
Parent/Carers, please do what works and is suitable for your child. In the Early Years (Reception) it is so important to develop children's language and communication skills, so spending some of your day playing with your child and talking to them will hugely benefit them.
- Phonics: Every day at school we have a phonics lesson. Please watch the following videos to learn the special friend 'ch'. Can the children think of any words which begin with the 'ch' sound? - ch Reading - ch Fred Talk/Spelling
- Can the children also practise writing their name? Some may need dots or a coloured pen for them to trace over when writing. We also practise writing letters in sand to help with the formation of letters.
The Read Write Inc letter rhymes are at the bottom of this page.
- Maths – Composition of 3
Please watch
Then go through the 'Composition of 3 ladybird PowerPoint'.
Can the children explore how many different ways you can put 3 dots on a ladybird?
Example of this is below - The children could draw ladybirds or draw dots on ones made already.
- Other examples of things you could do at home:
Can you make a rocket? This could be drawn, made using your own construction tools (lego, duple), or made using any recycling you have to junk model! Please take photos to share!
Can you make a firework picture using any pens/pencils/paper you have at home?
Can you use some of your toys and take part in some imaginative play? This could be having a tea party with your teddies, running your own school for your toys, making a farm or zoo etc.
Can you make a racetrack for your cars, or create a giant train track?
- Remember to keep active too! We enjoy these movement breaks in school: