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School News!

Take a look at the fantastic achievements of some of the children this year so far in our school. 

If you think you have a news story to be shared about one of our children or staff members, then simply email it to Mrs Dominey or Mrs Foster, we always enjoy celebrating well deserved successes.

Mrs Dominey =

Mrs Foster =

Page 8

  • 45 Years Service!

    Published 06/07/18

    Diana Cobden has devoted an impressive 45 years of service to LMPS, so we decided it would be fitting to name the school hall after her.  Here are a few words from Diana...

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  • Year 5 Meet Author Beverly Naidoo!

    Published 04/07/18

    On Wednesday the 4thof July 2018, Year 5 went to Lytchett Minster School to meet the author Beverly Naidoo. We had been reading one of her books (Journey to Jo’berg) and went to find out more about her and her books. 

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  • Year 6 Storm PGL

    Published 03/07/18

    Over the last weekend in June, Year 6 headed off the Isle of Wight for their PGL adventure. 

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  • Reception go down to the farm!

    Published 30/06/18

    A few weeks ago, Reception spent a beautiful day on the farm to end our topic on ‘growing.’ 

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  • ‘Can Do’ Water Sports Festival

    Published 29/06/18

    When I first announced to this group of children that they would spend a day at Poole Park learning how to sail and then compete in kayak races, the first comment I heard was, “I’ve always dreamed of kayaking”.

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  • Dorset School Games Sailing Festival

    Published 29/06/18

    Our final sailing event this year was the Dorset School Games which again took place with Rockley Watersports at Poole Park. This was a serious event. Competitive racing against many other schools!

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  • Year 5 Hit Lulworth Cove & Durdle Door!

    Published 29/06/18

    On Wednesday 27 June 2018, Year 5 Buzzard and Osprey went on a school trip to Lulworth Cove.

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  • LMPS 2018 Production - A Totally Awesome Show!

    Published 21/06/18

    Last Thursday, 21st June, LMPS performed the musical 'Choose Dance' at Lytchett Minster School in the Gainsford Theatre.  It was a fantastic show - with nearly 100 children singing, dancing, playing instruments, acting and helping out backstage.

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  • Father’s Day Stay and Play!

    Published 15/06/18

    Reception welcomed Dads to their Stay and Play!

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  • AHA me Hearties!

    Published 08/06/18

    Reception welcomed back their friendly pirate, Captain Jolly to help them celebrate their mini topic on ‘Pirates’ and bring their learning to life!  

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  • Year 1 Find Nemo

    Published 08/06/18

    Year 1 have recently been on their school trip to Weymouth Sealife Centre.

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  • School Crossing Patrol Urgently Required for LMPS

    Published 07/06/18

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.

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