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School News!

Take a look at the fantastic achievements of some of the children this year so far in our school. 

If you think you have a news story to be shared about one of our children or staff members, then simply email it to Mrs Dominey or Mrs Foster, we always enjoy celebrating well deserved successes.

Mrs Dominey =

Mrs Foster =

Page 6

  • Tin Hats & Telegrams

    Published 18/12/18

    2018 marks the centenary of the end of the Great War. After spending the last half term learning about the war in RE, history and English, Year 6 decided to make the Armistice the subject of their Christmas production. 

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  • Martha Arranges Donations to Foodbank - We are so proud!

    Published 14/12/18

    This year, I wanted to do something before Christmas to help other people and so I decided to do a collection for Poole food bank. The food bank helps give food to people who can't afford to feed their family or themselves. 

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  • Choir Spread Joy...

    Published 13/12/18

    The KS2 choir have been out and about singing Christmas songs – we performed at the school Fayre, Castle Farm Care Home and Tescos singing under the Christmas tree, which was lovely.

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  • Netball Squad Soar

    Published 11/12/18

    This half term, our Year 5/6 LMPS Netball Team have begun their league matches, against schools across Poole, Bournemouth and Dorset.  They will have 6 League matches to play in total. 

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  • Eco Team Ready for Winter!

    Published 10/12/18

    What a productive term we have had! Year 4 have transformed the courtyard into a colourful and peaceful space for all to enjoy and have kept the weeds at bay and filled the flower beds with bulbs. We can’t wait to see what will grow in the spring.

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  • Cross Country Team Fly

    Published 06/12/18

    This Autumn, some children were very lucky to attend a series of cross country races. Mr Noyce, Mrs. Markham and Mrs. Winkworth kindly accompanied us to these races. They not only accompanied us, they cheered us on enthusiastically.

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  • Advent Assembly...

    Published 05/12/18

    Reverend Partridge came in this month to deliver a special Advent themed assembly.

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  • Children Create Christmas Remembrance Tree

    Published 03/12/18

    This year we have again been lucky enough to make decorations for the Christmas tree in St Mary's Church in the village.

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  • Christmas Fayre

    Published 30/11/18

    It was great to see so many happy faces at our Christmas Fayre this year- I don’t think I have ever seen it so busy!  

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  • Emotion Coaching

    Published 27/11/18

    We have been very fortunate to be offered training and support from an Educational Psychologist for a pilot scheme titled 'Emotion Coaching.'

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  • We Love Maths!

    Published 26/11/18

    On Monday 26th November some of our Year 5 children attended a maths workshop at Bearwood Primary school.

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  • Year 5 Tackle Roads with SusTrans

    Published 22/11/18

    On Thursday 22nd November, SusTrans (a nationwide charity) came to Lytchett Matravers Primary School to work with the Year 5 children. SusTrans visited the school in order to view Wareham Road outside our school, because this road is need of a lot of attention.

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