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School News!

Take a look at the fantastic achievements of some of the children this year so far in our school. 

If you think you have a news story to be shared about one of our children or staff members, then simply email it to Mrs Dominey or Mrs Foster, we always enjoy celebrating well deserved successes.

Mrs Dominey =

Mrs Foster =

Page 16

  • Just Keep Swimming!

    Published 16/01/17

    Year 3 Begin Swimming Lessons!

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  • School Bank Launch to Year 5

    Published 13/01/17

    On Friday 13th January, the LMPS School Bank staff we excited to provide all members of Year 5 with the opportunity to take advantage of the LMPS School Bank facilities. 

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  • Christmas 1914

    Published 15/12/16

    After studying World War I, Y6  put on a play that explored the impact this period of history had on ordinary families in England.  Hot-headed Joe and his teenage friends rushed off to enlist in the British army, leaving anxious families and sweethearts behind.

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  • Year 3 Travel Fair Success!

    Published 13/12/16

    We had a wonderful time welcoming the families of our Year 3 children to share all the hard work they have been busily producing this term. 

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  • Christmas Special Stay & Play!

    Published 12/12/16

    In Reception, we had a great turn out to our Christmas themed stay and play session.  The children loved showing their parents around their classrooms, sharing a treat and making all things Christmassy! 

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  • Whole School Christmas Dinner!

    Published 12/12/16

    On Monday 12th December Lytchett Matravers school hall turned in to a festive canteen!  Where children had either ordered a special festive menu from our school kitchens, or brought in a special packed lunch!  Teachers and children sat down together with Christmas music playing to tuck in to some delicious food.  There were even Christmas hats for everyone!

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  • Courageous Cross Country Team

    Published 08/12/16

    The Year 5 and 6 Cross Country Team have now finished all of the races in the Poole and East Dorset League. The penultimate race saw the team racing at The Canford School in November. This was a challenging route and the longest race so far at over 1.5 miles.  Luckily, our runners are used to running this distance at running club so we were able to show stamina as well as speed! 

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  • Year R/1 Nativity

    Published 07/12/16

    WOW! What a performance!

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  • Christmas Music Concert

    Published 06/12/16

    On Tuesday 6th December, the children involved in music at Lytchett Matravers Primary School performed an array of songs and musical pieces to entertain as many people as we could, spreading Christmas Cheer! 

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  • KS1 Art Club do Festival of Trees!

    Published 05/12/16

    This year our KS1 Arts and Crafts Club were given the exciting opportunity of designing and creating Christmas decorations for our very own Christmas tree in St Mary's Church in the village.

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  • PTEC Christmas Fayre

    Published 02/12/16

    An ENORMOUS thank you to all involved in the PTEC Christmas Fayre this year.  Yet again, it was extremely well attended and supported.  A fantastic team of parents and staff worked together to help raise the fantastic sum of £1743.36!  WOW! 

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    Published 01/12/16

    On Thursday 1st December 2016, our Yr5/6 football team played our third league match at home against Turlin Moor, and extra subs were ready just in case!

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