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School News!

Take a look at the fantastic achievements of some of the children this year so far in our school. 

If you think you have a news story to be shared about one of our children or staff members, then simply email it to Mrs Dominey or Mrs Foster, we always enjoy celebrating well deserved successes.

Mrs Dominey =

Mrs Foster =

Page 15


    Published 02/03/17

    We have all had a fantastic day for World Book Day today!  All of the staff dressed as Mr Men and Little Miss Characters and the children's costumes were amazing! 

    Thank you so very much for the support, creative thinking and efforts that have gone in to creating the children's costumes for today.  We started the day with a whole school celebration assembly to share everyone's super ideas and the wonderful books that have inspired them. 

    Mr Bump (Mr France), Little Miss Greedy (Mrs Dominey) and Little Miss Quick (Mrs Murray), have been overwhelmed with the children's enthusiasm and love for reading shared today. 

    We look forward to inspiring more reading in the future!  If you haven't already, why not have a go at our new reading challenge ‘LMPS Book Bingo,’ which is a reading challenge for any child across the school, who wishes to take part, from Reception to Year 6.

    It is a fact that children who read regularly get better at reading, but the aim behind the LMPS Book Bingo is to simply inspire a love of reading, especially for those children who aren’t always enthusiastic about picking up a book!  It will also give the children the opportunity to read a wider range of books.

    There are six fun challenges to complete to get a ‘full house.’  When your child has completed their challenge, they need to return their challenge sheet and any evidence they wish to provide to Mrs Murray.  Evidence can be in the form of photos, or a simple list of the books they have read or anything else that this challenge inspires the children to create!  

    Here are some of our World Book Day winners!


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  • Yr4 Go Sailing with RSPB

    Published 24/02/17

    Our Boat Trip Around Poole Harbour - written by Amelia Sibley (Puffin Class) On Friday 24th February, Year 4 had an amazing morning sailing around Poole Harbour.  The tide was high and the harbour water was clear blue.  I was really excited.  I like watching birds, especially on a boat!

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  • Yr5/6 Rugby Success!

    Published 23/02/17

    Year 5 and 6 Tag Rugby Tournament: 

    On Thursday 23rd February, our Year 5/6 LMPS Tag Rugby Team played a tournament against various local schools at Poole High School.

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  • Yr 4 Become Egyptians in Style!

    Published 10/02/17

    Egyptian Drama Day: On Friday the 10th of February, Year 4 had the Treehouse Theatre Company come in for the Egyptian drama day.  Everyone came to school dressed as Egyptians. Everyone was excited and a little bit nervous.

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  • E-SAFETY PARENT SESSIONS - not to be missed!

    Published 08/02/17


    9.00-10.00am in the main School Hall or

    6-7.00pm in Puffin Classroom

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  • E-Safety Day

    Published 06/02/17

    E-Safety at LMPS...  Our annual E-Safety day for the pupils at Lytchett took place on Monday 6th of February this year, the day before Safer Internet Day 2017.  A representative from Dorset Police’s Safe Schools and Communities Team came to our school for the day to talk to the children from Reception up to Year 6 about staying safe online.  

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  • Netball Festival Fun!

    Published 02/02/17

    On Thursday 2nd February two of our netball squads travelled over to Allenbourn Middle School to take part in a Hi5 Netball Festival.  It was very obvious how excited all of the children were to be participating in the festival especially after the rain that had fallen in the morning!

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  • Reception Receive Special Visitors! 

    Published 31/01/17

    The Police visit Reception!

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  • Awesome Able Writers' Day!

    Published 25/01/17

    On Wednesday 25th January three members of Year 5 were excited to attend an Able Writers' Day at Bearwood Primary and Nursery School.

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  • #happyeverafter!

    Published 23/01/17

    Launch of the 2017 LMPS Production!  In the Summer Term this year, LMPS’s production will be #happyeverafter - a fairy tale with a modern twist that will feature some of our favourite Disney songs!  

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  • Yr5/6 Sensational Swimmers!

    Published 18/01/17

    On Wednesday 18th January, Mr Noyce, Miss Winkworth and I took a team of 16 enthusiastic and determined swimmers to Canford School to compete in the East Dorset Swimming Gala.

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  • Unlocking the RE Curriculum

    Published 16/01/17

    The Reverend Partridge visited our school again to take a whole school assembly today.

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