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School News!

Take a look at the fantastic achievements of some of the children this year so far in our school. 

If you think you have a news story to be shared about one of our children or staff members, then simply email it to Mrs Dominey or Mrs Foster, we always enjoy celebrating well deserved successes.

Mrs Dominey =

Mrs Foster =

Page 13

  • Super Star!

    Published 17/09/17

    Everyone at LMPS would like to say a huge congratulations to Mischa Bellows, who is currently in Buzzard Class.

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  • Sealife Centre trip

    Published 04/07/17

    On Tuesday 4th July Year 1 went to the Sealife Centre in Weymouth to see all of the animals we have been learning about in our topic, ‘Under the Sea’.

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  • Art Workshop! 

    Published 29/06/17

    On Thursday 29th June, Miss Barker and a selection of talented artists from Year 6 attended an Egyptian Themed Artist Workshop run by Year 12 students at Lytchett Minster School.

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  • Year 2 trip to Avon Heath Country Park

    Published 29/06/17

    The children in Skylark and Nightingale class had a wonderful time on their school trip. They found out lots about mini-beasts and different habitats. 

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  • Sports Day 2017: Reception and Key Stage 1 – 19th June. Key Stage 2 – 20th June

    Published 26/06/17

    As the summer once again arrived, our school Olympians participated in our school Sports Days. The weather was very sunny and gave the feel of a Greek Olympics, which made everyone feel like they were back at the very first Olympics.

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  • Reception’s trip to the Farm!

    Published 22/06/17

    Wow! What a fantastic day out Honeybee and Ladybird Class had out at Longdown Dairy Farm.

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  • 'Can Do' water sports festival

    Published 19/06/17

    A small group of children took part in a morning of sailing training and kayak training followed by an afternoon of kayak races around the island - a pair of children from each school racing against 18 other kayaks in 4 heats.

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  • Child of Hope

    Published 06/06/17

    LMPS was very lucky to be visited by two representatives of the 'Child of Hope' charity.  Child of Hope has built a school in the heart of a slum in Uganda – one of the poorest places on earth – where it provides free education, healthcare, food and clothing to over 500 children.  Child Hope is run by husband and wife team, Moses and Bex Okatel, who came to spend the morning with LMPS. 

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  • Purbeck Young Artists

    Published 25/05/17

    This year we were invited to take part in the Purbeck Young Artists competition held as part of Purbeck Arts Week.

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  • Manor Mile Success!

    Published 25/05/17

    Mrs Murray and Mr Noyce are incredibly proud of the attitude and achievements of all our runners. The team spirit and support was fantastic. 

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  • Fantastic Year 6 complete the SATs! 

    Published 12/05/17

    The second week of May is always a busy one in any Year 6 calendar and this year was no exception! 

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  • Kwick Cricket!

    Published 08/05/17

    On Monday 8th May, ten Year 4 children set off to Canford School to take part in a Kwik Cricket skills festival.

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