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School News!

Take a look at the fantastic achievements of some of the children this year so far in our school. 

If you think you have a news story to be shared about one of our children or staff members, then simply email it to Mrs Dominey or Mrs Foster, we always enjoy celebrating well deserved successes.

Mrs Dominey =

Mrs Foster =

Page 12

  • Year 5 Star Gazing Evening ​​​​​​​

    Published 23/11/17

    Year 5 children, parents and staff all gathered on the evening of Thursday 23rd November to gaze at our fascinating solar system. The sky was a little cloudy but this didn’t spoil our evening, as we used a superb star gazing app called- Skyview!

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  • Victorian Exhibition ​​​​​​​

    Published 20/11/17

    What a fantastic evening!  Mr Burton, Mrs Hancock and Mrs Foster are so proud of the Year 6!  The children organised an event that was fun, informative and showed off all of their hard work from the last term. 

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  • Remembrance Assembly

    Published 10/11/17

    The children and staff in school have been wearing their red Poppies and in special assemblies or class time have been talking about Remembrance Day.

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  • Water Sports and Climbing

    Published 10/11/17

    It has been a busy half term on the water with children from Year 5 and 6 taking part in a sailing taster session and children from Year 3 and 4 enjoying four sessions of kayaking, paddle boarding, sailing and raft building.

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  • Bronze Ambassadors’ Primary Leadership Academy

    Published 19/10/17

    On Tuesday 17th November, the six new Bronze Ambassadors (also known as Sports Leaders) attended a Primary Leadership Academy at Poole High School, along with approximately twenty other primary schools from the surrounding areas.

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  • Student Voice - visit to the Food Bank

    Published 13/10/17

    On Friday, 13th LMPS held a collection for the food bank in Poole.  After loading up the generous donations from pupils, four representatives from the Student Voice went to the food bank to learn about the distribution of the much-needed supplies. 

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  • Ancient Greeks - Year 5

    Published 10/10/17

    On Tuesday 10th October, the Treehouse Theatre Company came into school to take part in a drama day with Year 5, all about their topic the Ancient Greeks.

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  • Well done Lewis! 

    Published 09/10/17

    Congratulations to Lewis, who is in Swan Class, he sent this picture to The Week Junior Magazine and they published it!

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  • Victorian Drama Day

    Published 06/10/17

    On Friday, 6th October, Ben from the Tree House Theatre Company came to LMPS to lead a Victorian drama day for Y6. 

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  • Congratulations Shaya! 

    Published 02/10/17

    Everyone at LMPS would like to say a huge congratulations to Shaya Bellows in Kingfisher Class.

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  • Cross Country

    Published 21/09/17

    The Year 6 children started their Poole and East Dorset cross country campaign very emphatically last Thursday.

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  • Super Star! 

    Published 17/09/17

    We are bursting with pride here at LMPS to tell you about the wonderful event Emilia,  who is currently in Nightingale class, organised and ran over the summer holiday!

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